Kirby Lambert

I believe that in order to make a superior knife you must use superior materials. That is why I work with top grade, high-tech materials. The steels I generally use in my folders and fixed blades are CPM S30v, CPM 154 CM, BG-42, and Damasteel. The handle materials I mostly use range from G-10, Micarta, and carbon fiber to mother of pearl and fossilized mammoth ivory. I exclusively use 6al/4v titanium for the liners in my folders. I mostly make my bolsters from materials such as 6al/4v titanium, damascus, carbon fiber, Timascus or mokume. When making Japanese style blades I generally use 1050, 1084, or L6. The handles will usually consist of a phenolic handle covered in stingray skin then wrapped with a nylon cord that has been impregnated with resin to give it maximum strength, toughness, and longevity. I am constantly striving for perfection in creating, for what I feel is one of the highest quality knives on the market today. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to let me know. ~ Kirby Lambert