AG Russel Acies Part 1 - Anodizing Titanium Media

Published: 13 years ago

A few weeks ago my good friend Shaun came by and we got to play with anodizing titanium! First I gave this handle a light polish on my buffing wheel, then cleaned it, then we were shooting for a mild toxic green color. We got to 45v and stopped there because it looked awesome! You can also get green at around 93v but it's much darker and deeper, this 45v green is very yellow/green, subtle.

My titanium anodizing setup has gone through many changes over the months, trying to get something that works very well and consistent, I think I'm almost there. One day I'll go through it all and show you how I did the electronics.

In the next vid I'll show how I engraved a very intricate celtic cross through the anodized layer using my cnc milling machine!