AG Russel Acies Part 2 - Engraving Titanium Media

Published: 13 years ago

In part 2 of this video I show how I engraved a very intricate celtic cross onto the anodized titanium handle of my friend Shaun's AG Russel Acies knife. Using a 0.040" ballmill at 6000rpm, I just barely scratched the surface to do this engraving, only going down 0.001-0.002" (thinner than a human hair!). Luckily the handle was very flat so that my engraving stayed even and consistent across the whole knife. Sometimes when doing such a fine shallow engraving, it's common for one corner of the part to be just a teesny bit higher or lower than others, causing the engraving to fade out in spots or be way too deep in others.