Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 05 - machining the first blades! Media

Published: 13 years ago

In week 5 of my ongoing adventure I finally got to make my blades! The goal was to make 2 blades; a framelock and a button lock, and hopefully make another set of handles for the framelock blade. Lots of setbacks and problems, but in the end I got my 2 blades finished! I was also able to assemble the button lock knife and find out that my design for the button lock mechanism is completely wrong. Doh! The knife doesn't lock in the open position because I completely forgot to add something, and there is no stop pin yet. But aside from the various major and minor issues, I'm SO THRILLED to feel and hold my first custom knife.

Please let me know what you think of the design and of this video in the comments section below! All of your wonderful comments and suggestions really help propel me forward. I thank you all!