Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 15 - Turning titanium spacers on my CNC lathe Media

Published: 13 years ago

I did not have a lot of time this week to follow up on my epic 44 minute week 14 video, but I got to shoot and play with some pretty cool stuff anyways. Using my CNC lathe I turned a lot of titanium spacers, barrel nuts, and thumb studs, then anodized a few of them blue for cool effect. There was some learning (as always) and it took quite a few practice parts until I was making ones that I really liked, but in the end it all came together. All parts were turned at 1200rpm. Gwizard suggested 1800 but my pulleys only let me choose 1200 or 2400 and I didn't want to crank up the feedrate to compensate for 2400. Also I wanted it slower for the parting tool to work well, 1200rpm worked great. Feedrate was around 5ipm roughing and 3ipm finish. Parting was done at 2ipm and sometimes it worked well to peck in several times instead of doing a straight pass.