Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 18 - making another RWL blade and set of Ti handles Media

Published: 13 years ago

I haven't been able to film this series for the past two weeks because my milling machine has been broken, but thankfully we got it all fixed. This week Erik and I made another RWL34 Norseman blade, we were going to make two of them but I ruined the second blade while drilling it for the pivot hole. The first blade turned out okay, but the edge got a lot thinner than I wanted and because of that there was some serious chatter on the second side, making it ugly. Tuesday evening we were fortunate enough to go to world renown knifemaker Brian Tighe's workshop where he was kind enough to answer our thousand knifemaking questions and heat treat this blade for us! No video of his shop though. Then on wednesday we made another set of titanium handles, one of which also turned out a little thin. We learned a lot on these handles, and figured that next time we'll just get them roughed out on waterjet first, then machine them, it should save us a considerable amount of time and broken tools.
Thanks for watching!