Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 21 - finishing work, spacers, pivot pin, screws Media

Published: 12 years ago

This week for knifemaking tuesday Erik and I finally tackled a bunch of finishing work on the knife. Up until now I've been using washers to space out the screws that are too long and the pivot pin. First thing we did was shorten the pivot pin, I chucked it up in my cnc lathe and turned the length down from 0.500" to around 0.355". The vid shows some hands on instruction that I gave to Erik as he ran the machine. After that we domed the head of the pin to make it much shorter and have a nicer profile, although didn't get the nicest surface finish. Next time we'll crank up the rpm's to max 2400, this time was at 1200 and it seems like it was just rubbing and not cutting cleanly. Then I modified an existing fixture to hold all the spacers, thumbstud, and barrel nuts for drilling and tapping. This.... didn't work so well. Either it would drill way off center or the piece would spin while trying to tap it, I'll have to come up with a better way of doing it! I've got a few ideas that I'll tackle in later videos. Now that I've got the knife assembled with proper length screws it seems way more put together. It's really thin too, I love it.