Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 27 - waterjet blades and big fixtures Media

Published: 12 years ago

Hey guys, this past week was spent finishing up a lot of setup work on the new machine and getting more comfortable operating it. Although it is similar to our old cnc mill, it's quite a bit bigger and more powerful, much easier and faster to get into trouble. Broken a few endmills already haha. My brother Erik and I picked up 6 meters of RWL34 swedish stainless blade steel from world famous knifemaker Brian Tighe, then drove out to our local waterjet place to get them cut into Norseman Blades. Just received the blades a few days ago and they look tasty! Can't wait to start cutting into them. First thing we have to do is to make a large fixture plate so that we can bolt the blanks onto it for machining, this video shows a similar fixture being machined. I'm also waiting for a new tool to come in the mail that will allow me to make the blades even better and more efficiently, hopefully it comes this week.

With any luck, next week's video will be action packed full of awesome machining and custom knife progress!