Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 33 - Closeup shots and Fitting things Media

Published: 12 years ago

This week for Knifemaking Tuesdays Erik and I are finishing up the last little tweaks for our Norseman's and getting them to fit and work perfectly. There are lots of close up shots of the two prototypes for those of you who have been wanting to see them. We assembled and disassembled it many times while fitting things, so you can see how it all goes together. On the Tormach we machined the internal stop pin groove, the bearing races, and pre-reamed then reamed the pivot hole. Also you get to see how my pocket clips turned out, how they look in color and on the knife, as well as what they look like sticking out of my pocket. By the end of the video we figured out the formula of measurements to get the knife to flip out REALLY fast while being buttery smooth.

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