Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 37 - lock angle, custom stop pin, rants Media

Published: 12 years ago

For week 37 Erik and I are hard at work getting the last few things on this batch of knives perfect. One thing we've been having troubles with is sticky locks and incorrect lock geometries, so in this video I get that all straightened out. Using a digital angle gauge I found that my blades were currently set to 5.5°, not the 7° I thought, so I had to re-machine all lock tangs for a new angle. We worked through a lightning storm and lost power a few times, once for several hours, and I explain how that can be unpredictable on home shop CNC equipment. Then Erik cut himself, on a DULL blade.

Next up at 11:48, in order to save a few knives that lock up too far, I wanted to make some stop pins that were a few thousandths of an inch larger, turned out to be a MUCH harder job than I thought it would be. It wouldn't be so hard if I was using stainless steel, but I didn't have any, so I tried to turn hardened steel pins and it drove me nuts!

At 21:16 Erik took official delivery of his first finished Norseman! He loves it, can't wait to start carrying it daily. The rest of the vid is just us ranting and raving about the knives and the work we've done and still have to do.

Thanks for watching!