Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 42 - knives for USN show Media

Published: 12 years ago

This week was spent frantically getting ready for the upcoming knife show in Las Vegas. I start out by making more pocket clips and showing the process involved with that.

At 7:18 I show a lot of the endmills that I use to machine everything and describe where I get them from, mostly these days because their prices and selection are the best. I also get engraving endmills from and am very happy with those as well.

By 12:38 I start making more titanium handles for my Norseman knives. I am able to set up 17 handles in one fixturing, which is very awesome. Drilling, engraving, contouring, profiling, etc.

15:45 is where Erik starts sanding and deburring the handles to remove any sharp edges and to eliminate any endmill chatter and turn the edges into nice shiny pretty things to look at and feel.

18:12 shows two extremely sleepy Grimsmos trying to keep going and finish up. I show the tumbled handles and blades to see how cool they look up close.

21.57 Erik shows us some of the anodizing work that he did, he got some really awesome greens, blues, purples, and bronzes. I love anodizing titanium!!!

23:17 I show how I machine the lockbar in order to "fit" the lockup of every knife, this is a slightly time consuming process but usually leads to rock solid lockup exactly where I want it.

By 25:20 I cut to after the show is over and give a general description of how awesome it was and how much we learned. In talking with other knifemakers we learned several things to improve on our knives to make them even better, smoother, and more consistent.

At 28:41 I show that the blade is off center and then proceed to take the knife apart and show why, turns out the bearing pockets are not flat and square, so the bearings just aren't sitting flat. I figured out a way to clamp them on my mill and re-machine those pockets to fix them, which luckily worked out perfect! Now the blades are dead center and even smoother than before.

At 45:00 I show the new t-shirts that we got! These are really cool, I'm very happy with how they turned out. They will be $20 in person or $25 shipped, please e-mail me at JohnGrimsmo (at) Gmail (dot) com for more info or to order.

Thanks for watching!