Our new vibratory tumbler broke, lets fix it! Media

Published: 10 years ago

One of the coolest things about having all these tools at my disposal is that I can fix pretty much anything, or at least that's what I tell myself haha. We got this new tumbler from Northern Tool 7 months ago and it's been working great, until it didn't, the eccentric shaft snapped in half. Well, not wanting to send the whole thing back or wait for a replacement part, I decided to make a replacement myself... "How hard could it be?". So I fired up my dusty old cnc lathe that I never use anymore and went to work, it was fun! I really miss doing CNC lathe work, it's how I started with CNC so I have a huge soft spot in my heart for it. Once the new parts were made I even got them TIG welded. Seems to work great now. Enjoy!