Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 96 - Tormach Lathe delivery and installation Media

Published: 10 years ago

We recently bought Tormach's new 15L Slant-Pro lathe! This vid shows the delivery, installation, setup, my thoughts so far, as well as a bunch of random machining on the 1100 mill. This lathe is a beast, I love it! Unfortunately I didn't actually film the lathe making parts once it was all set up, but I've got other videos coming up showing that in detail. In the next week or two there should be a good one showing how I make my titanium spacers on it, they turned out amazingly ridiculously perfect!

I set this lathe up with gang tooling because I'm making lots of tiny parts, it works very very well. If you're making huge things or lots of random things then you're better off getting the quick change tool post, or the eventual turret tool changer once they release it. I might get the turret and still run gang tooling, allowing me to have a LOT of tools on the table. It's a little confusing ordering everything for the lathe because there are so many tooling options. You have to think about the parts that you want to make and buy tooling that will suit those parts.