Knifemaking Tuesdays Week 98 - Lathe spacers part 1 Media

Published: 10 years ago

This week we're setting up our new Tormach 15L Slant-Pro lathe to run a batch of spacers. I filmed way too much footage so we had to break it into part 1 and part 2. This one shows how I set up the lathe with all the tools I'm going to require, and goes over how the lathe works and how I like it. The lathe is amazing! As you'll see in the next video, it can hold crazy tolerances and produces perfect parts.

Setting up gang tools takes some thinking and tinkering, it's tricky sometimes to wrap your head around how and where best to put all the tools. Experience helps, so just try something and improve from there, instead of trying to do it perfect the first time. I had to shim a lot of the tools up because you want them all to be on centerline.

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