Tormach digital probing - finding the center of things with CNC Media

Published: 10 years ago

Probing macros and routines are sourced from the Probe-It plugin for Mach3, available here: You need to be running the latest version of Mach3 to get it to work, not the one supplied by Tormach. Probe-It is awesome! It provides so many awesome routines that will allow you to really expand your measuring abilities.

For the pivot pin on my knives I have to hold a pretty ridiculous tolerance for concentricity between the head of the pivot and the shaft, and since the shaft is turned on a lathe and the head is milled, I have to either fixture them PERFECTLY every time, or like I'm doing here, probe the location of each and every one so that the machine knows exactly where the centerline of each pivot is. This is certainly the complicated way of doing it, but it shows the capabilities of the Tormach and the possibilities of using your brain to come up with a solution. Even if it's an annoying, time consuming, difficult to set up solution haha. Next time I think I can come up with a better fixture that actually will hold the parts repeatably in the exact same position, every single time.

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