KMT 103 - Tiny spacer on the Tormach Lathe Media

Published: 10 years ago

We finished a knife that ended up having a small flat in it, one of the countersunk holes for a screw head was too deep and the screw went into the hole too far and looked silly. So I used the Tormach 15L Slant Pro CNC lathe to make a quick and dirty little spacer for it. Out of titanium. Just cuz.
This could easily be done on a manual lathe too, but I don't have one of those anymore now that I have this awesome beast! So I'll just use a fancy cnc lathe in "manual mode". It was easy, a little time consuming because I was shooting for very very tight tolerances, but super easy nonetheless. No need to write fancy code or anything like that, I just eyeballed everything and watched the numbers on the screen. In the end the spacer worked great and you can't even tell it's there!

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