KMT 107 - Facing Titanium with indexable endmills Media

Published: 9 years ago

This week I have a stack of titanium handles that need to be thinner. Normally I buy 0.156" stock and have a shop waterjet and double disc grind them to 0.125", but I ended up with a bunch of thicker ones this time. It's a showdown between two of Tormach's modular insert tools, the 2 insert square endmill and the 3 insert toroid. I'm also playing with some higher SFM (surface feet per minute) settings and cutting pretty aggressively for titanium. Using an SFM of 470 lead to rapid edge wear, but turning it down to 250 made the inserts last a long time!

Enjoy the video, please comment if you have any questions or suggestions!

The two Tormach tools used here are:

Thanks for watching!