CNC Machine Tool Show 2015 Media

Published: 9 years ago

April 22, 2015 at the Elliot Matsuura Joint Open House! I've been coming to this event for the past 4 years, I've actually got two previous videos from other visits. I always learn amazing new technologies and it's extremely valuable to talk to all of the sales reps and pick their brains about how I can use similar technologies in my business. If you're into this kind of stuff, you HAVE to seek out similar events and go, the same can be said for any industry. I'm fortunate this one is under an hour away.

This year was a bit different for me, I went in with a completely open mind, allowing myself to pretend that I was in the market for a new machine. I wasn't, but knew that it is definitely in my future as we expand. Going with this mindset forced me to ask different questions, to look at the machines more closely, and to understand their capabilities in a way that I hadn't done before. It was an amazing experience. I was also "spotted" several times by staff and attendees who watch our videos, that was cool! I've always come to this event feeling like a very small fish in a very big pond, like the guy playing with cnc in his garage put up against aerospace guys. This year, maybe it was just my mindset, but I felt a lot more comfortable talking with everyone.

Thanks for watching! Lots more videos coming up, including tons of footage of how we renovated and moved into our new shop.