What is SFM? - Saga Saturday 011 Media

Published: 6 years ago

Welcome back to Saga Saturday folks! New year, new pen! In this episode, John and Angelo talk design specifics, tolerances, tool life, and try out a new (gorgeous) material for the pen sliders and buttons.

John also had a revelation over the break about SFM! What is SFM you may ask? And how can you be optimizing it to improve your parts? John dives deep into this and more.

CORRECTION: SFM actually stands for Surface FEET per Minute, not Surface FEED per Minute. Sorry for the error in the video!

More interested in SFM than John and Angelo talking design and new material? Skip to 11:42



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Erik Grimsmo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erik_grimsmoknives/

Angelo Fisher Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/afisherknives/

Erin Kelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/producingerin/'

Skye: https://www.instagram.com/skyemfg/

Jo (pronounced Yo): https://www.instagram.com/jovonrosen/

Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/