RAW Customer Review Media

Published: 5 years ago

A long-time follower came to the shop to pick up a knife he waited 2 YEARS FOR! We had a blast hanging out with him at the shop. Thanks for coming in, man!! We are so grateful to have such loyal followers like you guys, thanks for sticking with us on our journey.


Our Products: http://www.grimsmoknives.com/

John Grimsmo Knives Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johngrimsmoknives/

Erik Grimsmo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erik_grimsmoknives/


Gear we use:
Canon M50
Zoom F1-LP Field Recorder
Rode VideoMicro Directional Recorder with Dead Cat
JOBY GorillaPod Compact Tripod with Ballhead


Angelo Fisher Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/afisherknives/

Erin Kelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/producingerin/

Skye: https://www.instagram.com/skyemfg/

Jo (pronounced Yo): https://www.instagram.com/jovonrosen/

Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/

For more Epidemic Sound music: http://link.epidemicsound.com/Trending_Pop_PlaylistGe