We bought a SWISS LATHE!! Media

Published: 5 years ago

The machine we ordered from Tornos is finally HERE! If you want to see the build up to this decision, it all started with our "Becoming Swissish" video. Then we took you folks on a tour of the ACTUAL TORNOS FACTORY in Switzerland! Point is, we've been waiting a long time for this machine, and we're super stoked to learn how to use it, and get down to pumping more pens out for you all.


Our Products: http://www.grimsmoknives.com/

Tornos GT 13: https://www.tornos.com/en/content/swiss-gt

John Grimsmo Knives Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johngrimsmoknives/

Erik Grimsmo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erik_grimsmoknives/


Gear we use:
Canon M50
Zoom F1-LP Field Recorder
Rode VideoMicro Directional Recorder with Dead Cat
JOBY GorillaPod Compact Tripod with Ballhead


Angelo Fisher Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/afisherknives/

Erin Kelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/producingerin/

Skye: https://www.instagram.com/skyemfg/

Jo (pronounced Yo): https://www.instagram.com/jovonrosen/

Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music by:
Sebastian Forslund: Bring Out The Thunder (Instrumental Version) (Intro Music)
Daniel Kadawatha: Black Lies (Instrumental Version)
Ramin: You Are Mine (Instrumental Version)
Craig Reever: Ur Karma (Instrumental Version)
Daniel Kadawatha: Black Lies (Instrumental Version)
For more Epidemic Sound music: http://link.epidemicsound.com/Trending_Pop_PlaylistGe