30,000 Square Feet of SPACE! - Shop Tour of Miltera Media

Published: 5 years ago

How 'bout another shop tour? This time Angelo and I go to Miltera for the day to see a couple beater machines, and we also got to see their new 30,000 sq. ft shop!! Basically we're thinking about getting a beater machine or two for cutting foam and plastic so we can free up some machine time for knives and, of course, pens. If the price is right, we'll see what happens. We'd also like to thank Miltera for letting us stop by for the day and poke around their shop, we're SO excited for you guys! We feel very lucky to be so close to so many manufacturing facilities.

Our Products: http://www.grimsmoknives.com/

John Grimsmo Knives Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johngrimsmoknives/

Erik Grimsmo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erik_grimsmoknives/


Gear we use:
Canon M50
Zoom F1-LP Field Recorder
Rode VideoMicro Directional Recorder with Dead Cat
JOBY GorillaPod Compact Tripod with Ballhead


Angelo Fisher Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/afisherknives/

Erin Kelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/producingerin/

Skye: https://www.instagram.com/skyemfg/

Jo (pronounced Yo): https://www.instagram.com/jovonrosen/

Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music by:
Sebastian Forslund: Bring Out The Thunder (Instrumental Version) (Intro Music)
Martin Hall: Check For Pulse (Instrumental Version)
Martin Hall: Now We Do It Again (Instrumental Version)
For more Epidemic Sound music: http://link.epidemicsound.com/Trending_Pop_PlaylistGe