Upgrading our Tumbler...AGAIN! Media

Published: 5 years ago

You might remember back in 2017 when we received our new VibraFinish Tumbler. Although that tumbler did what we needed at the time, we recently decided we needed a tumbler with a little more throw in order to get the finish we wanted as fast as we wanted it. Solution: we traded in our now-old tumbler for a new, bigger VibraFinish tumbler. At the end of this video, Erik talks a little bit more about the benefits of this tumbler. Stay tuned!


Our Products: http://www.grimsmoknives.com/

John Grimsmo Knives Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johngrimsmoknives/

Erik Grimsmo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erik_grimsmoknives/


Gear we use:
Canon M50
Zoom F1-LP Field Recorder
Rode VideoMicro Directional Recorder with Dead Cat
JOBY GorillaPod Compact Tripod with Ballhead


Angelo Fisher Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/afisherknives/

Erin Kelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/producingerin/

Skye: https://www.instagram.com/skyemfg/

Jo (pronounced Yo): https://www.instagram.com/jovonrosen/

Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Sebastian Forslund: Bring Out The Thunder (Instrumental Version) (Intro Music)
For more Epidemic Sound music: http://link.epidemicsound.com/Trending_Pop_PlaylistGe