Makers' Choice Recap: Khans Media

Published: 6 years ago

These are the Makers' Choice Khans. Now that we're back to doing small runs of 25 again, we put a lot more time and detail into these Makers' Choice than we ever have before. We went pretty crazy on these knives. This is the first batch of Makers' Choice to be completely carved: face scale, lock scale, pocket clip, and backspacer. Each knife has 2-3 full days of Elliot's carving and 1-2 days of finishing and detailing by Chris.

A big Thank You to everyone that got a Khan! These were a blast to build.

Stay tuned for the next run. These runs are where we get to experiment with different shapes and styles.

If theses knives aren't your style, check out our brand new Fortis 2.0. It is the first model in the all new Ferrum Forge Pro Line and is available at Blade HQ and KnifeCenter.

Follow us on Instagram for more pictures and videos of knifery:
@ferrumforgeKW and @ffkw_discipulus