The Emerson Knives Sheepdog Flipper Media

Published: 4 years ago

The Sheepdog knife is the first Emerson flipper we ever produced, which also features the new bearing system.

Lt. Colonel David Grossman, an icon in the Military and Tactical world, a former Airborne Ranger and West Point Instructor, and the world’s leading authority on the effects of stress and combat and how they affect an individual when faced with life and death decisions in that environment.

He is the author of two groundbreaking books, “On Killing” and “On Combat” which are now regarded as required reading for anyone who must go into harm’s way. Among all of his accomplishments, he still has time to manage his company, Sheepdog Knife and Gun.

Needless to say, I was both humbled and honored when Colonel Grossman approached me in regard to making an official knife for him and his company.

He told me, “It’s important that the user must be able to open the knife under high stress, so I’d need it to have a flipper. With your wave, thumb button, and flipper it’ll be the most deployable knife ever built, even in a gross motor skills environment. The rest of the design I’ll leave up to you.”

Thus, the Emerson Sheepdog Knife was born. Now it is among our best-selling knives and will no doubt go down as an Emerson classic.