Murray Carter Japanese Bladesmithing School 102 Course Testimonials - August 2010 Media

Published: 13 years ago

Course 102 (Forging and Completion of a Fukugozai Kitchen Knife), August 2010
Attendee: Dave Burnard

Dave Burnard shares with us a little of his toolmaking history as well as his impressions after taking Murray Carter's Bladesmithing Course 102, during which he made not only the standard Fukugozai kitchen knife for the course, but a traditional Kuro-uchi kitchen knife also -- truly an experience he will never forget.

You can learn about this and other courses at our website:

While you're there, don't forget to sign up for some of the best knife maintenance advice around -- Carter Cutlery's Knife Tips.

If you have any questions or comments, email us at:

We look forward to your visit! May God richly bless you, and remember...

Stay sharp!