Ben Bettinger of Laurelhurst Market - Muteki Chef Sponsorship Video Media

Published: 8 years ago

Laurelhurst Market in Portland, Oregon has been heralded for its steaks, sandwiches and butcher's shop so Ben Bettinger knows a thing or two about sharp knives.

Continuing our program of sponsoring local chefs, we gave him one of our Muteki knives and had him report back with this thoughts. He loved it and says that it's been an object of desire for other chefs in his kitchen.

In this video, filmed at their busy SE Portland location, he met with Jamison (who made his knife) and discussed exactly what he likes about it.


We have been reaching out to chefs in the community to inform them about the world class knives we make here locally at Carter Cutlery.

Check out Muteki Knives at