HOW TO: Remove Adhesives on Backing Plates Media

Published: 5 years ago

This is a follow up to a prior video;

In this week's oddly satisfying video, Master Bladesmith Murray Carter walks you through changing a stone on a backing plate! From removing the old stone; to removing the adhesive, to applying the new adhesive and attaching the new stone, this tutorial will have you master the change in no time!

MATERIALS: In this video Murray used a 1,000 grit King Stone, a Nano Hone Universal Backing Plate, and a Nano Hone Adhesive.

CAUTION! At one point, Murray uses his personal neck knife to remove the old stone from the backing plate. We HIGHLY encourage you to use either a Carter Knife, or a knife you don't care for as this can dull or damage most blades.

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HAPPY HOLIDAYS, and remember to always...

Stay sharp!