Finish grinding an Ember V2 - BM Knife & Tool Media
Published: 3 years ago
Finishing grinding an Ember V2. Hollow ground on a 10" wheel. Using a KMG-TX.
- Norton Blaze Ceramic 60g - 95% of the grinding is done before moving on from this belt. Edge thickness, even plunges (just even, not pretty), just below the grind height I am shooting for.
- Norton U254 Norax X65 (220g equivalent) - Clean out the plunges, remove all 60g marks, and bring the grind height up to where it should be.
- Norton Blaze Ceramic 60g - 95% of the grinding is done before moving on from this belt. Edge thickness, even plunges (just even, not pretty), just below the grind height I am shooting for.
- Norton U254 Norax X65 (220g equivalent) - Clean out the plunges, remove all 60g marks, and bring the grind height up to where it should be.