Holding Odd Shaped Parts in a Metal Lathe & Using Your DRO for CNC Like Repeatability Media

Published: 3 years ago

How to make a custom jig to hold odd shapes in your metal lathe. Quick example of leveraging your DRO for repeatability. Intro to Tool Offset and creating that formula.

Full video on Maximizing your DRO coming Saturday 27 March 7am.

Links to Video Sections:
Making Collet to Hold Part in Lathe - 1:34
Shorten First Wheel Stud - 7:30
Thinking through tool offset and formula to repeat this on the rest of the wheel studs - 8:40
Show the finished DRO formula used and detailed demo of the repeatability - 15:40

Thanks for watching!

The lathe work was done on a Precision Matthews PM 1440TL Metal Lathe.