Jet Scooter Upgrades - Designed In Fusion 360 and Built On A Tormach 1100MX Media
Published: 3 years ago
King Tech 180 RC Jet Turbine Mounted on this Razor Scooter needed some upgrades - a kick cage around the jet to prevent damage. A Transmitter mount for the new micro transmitter and a Custom Throttle with emergency safety shut off.
These parts were designed in Fusion 360, including using the import a picture feature to speed up the design process. Then most of the parts were machined on a Tormach 1100MX CNC Milling Machine using GARR end mills and a Glacern Machine Tools Vise (GMT Vise).
Some lathe work completed with a Precision Matthews PM 1440TL Lathe.
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These parts were designed in Fusion 360, including using the import a picture feature to speed up the design process. Then most of the parts were machined on a Tormach 1100MX CNC Milling Machine using GARR end mills and a Glacern Machine Tools Vise (GMT Vise).
Some lathe work completed with a Precision Matthews PM 1440TL Lathe.
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